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Bristol: New – Children & Families Emotional Wellbeing Fund

Community Access Support Service (CASS), Healthy Living Consortium, Wellspring Healthy Living Centre wrote the following:


Emotional Wellbeing Fund –  Community Access Support Service is pleased to announce the launch of this new fund to help Bristol’s voluntary, community, equalities and faith groups to run activities aimed at improving the wellbeing of children and their families.


One in ten children aged between five and sixteen years has a diagnosable mental health problem. This new opportunity, funded by Bristol City Council for one year, will offer grants of up to £1,000 per activity aimed at children of primary school age and their families.


This programme (totalling £30,900) will meet the needs of vulnerable groups, along with areas with identified poor mental health. The aim of the activities will be to:

  • Raise awareness of the importance of positive mental health and address the stigma attached to poor mental health
  • Improve access to information, support and services
  • Promote self-help and the importance of reaching out for help as early as possible when problems arise


All funded activities must be completed by 31st July 2017. Applications will be considered on a bi-monthly basis with the following deadlines:

    10th November 2016

    10th January 2017

    10th March 2017

    10th May 2017

    10th July 2017 (pending availability of funds)


The Fund Guidelines and Application Form can be downloaded from: or collected from Wellspring Heathy Living Centre, Beam Street, Bristol BS5 9QY.  For more information or support contact or call 0117 304 1400 asking for CASS team.