Wessex Water Money Matters
Wessex Water believe in helping people to understand financial matters and take effective decisions regarding money. Wessex Water is working with Quartet Community Foundation to administer Wessex Water Money Matters grants for activities that support financial capability and money management projects for people who face financial difficulties in the West of England.
Opening Date: 14th September 2017
Closing Date: 9th November 2017
Maximum Grant Award
£5,000. Organisations that have previously been awarded funds through Wessex Water Money Matters may apply for additional funding to continue or extend a proven project.
What can you apply for?
The grant programme will support activities that help people to improve their financial capability and encourage responsible payment behaviour for the services they receive. The activity should be distinct from debt advice. To be eligible for a grant from the Wessex Water Money Matters your activity must:
- Work to prevent people in vulnerable circumstances from getting into debt; and/or
- Educate and support young adults to understand personal finances and avoid debt; and/or
- Educate and support children, young people and their parents/carers to take steps to build financial capability, money management and household budgeting skills. Priority will be given to activities where applicants can demonstrate that the activity will make a long-term difference to the target beneficiaries.
For existing projects with a proven track record, consideration will only be given to requests that extend the activity beyond its existing boundaries in terms of its scope, number of beneficiaries and/or time frame.
We would expect projects to make use, where possible, of existing financial capability resources, such as those provided by the Money Advice Trust, Money Advice Service or pfeg.
Who can apply?
Wessex Water Money Matters Grants are targeted at organisations with charitable aims where a small amount of money can make a significant difference. Applicants must be based and working in any part of the Wessex Water area (see www.wessexwater.co.uk/aboutus/) which includes: Bath & North East Somerset, Bristol, Dorset, North Somerset, Somerset, South Gloucestershire, most of Wiltshire and parts of Gloucestershire and Hampshire.
Please visit the Quartet Community Foundation website for full details and to find out how to apply: Wessex Water Money Matters