The timetable and deadlines for the 2020/21 Area Committee decision-making process for CIL and Section 106 funding in Bristol area is now published.
You can access all the information – and signpost people in your communities – at: The timetable and the Stage 1 Outline Guidance and an Outline Proposal form can be downloaded from the above webpage.
Information sessions:
We are encouraging local organisations or groups who are considering putting forward a project proposal to their local Area Committee for Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL ) or Section 106 funding to come along to one of our information sessions in February to better understand the process. We will guide people through the process for 2020 decision-making, explain what you can and can’t use CIL and S106 to fund, and how to make a clear case. Space is limited so book early via Eventbrite:
Key deadlines:
We are asking organisations and communities and Council departments to put forward proposals for potential projects for the Area Committee to consider by mid-March. Ward councillors will make sure the outline proposal forms (stage 1) are completed, ask for more information if required and then confirm their ‘in principle’ support for the idea and submit it. The deadline for final outline proposal forms (agreed in principle with ward councillors) is the 6 April 2020. Details of the next stages can be found on the webpage (as above).