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Bristol City Council Area Committee CIL and S106 funds decision-making process

Bristol City Council are asking organisations and communities and Council departments to put forward proposals for potential projects for the Area Committee to consider by mid-March. Ward councillors will make sure the outline proposal forms (stage 1) are completed, ask for more information if required and then confirm their ‘in principle’ support for the idea and submit it. The target date for outline proposal forms (agreed in principle with ward councillors) is the 4th April 2022. Details of the next stages can be found on the webpage (as above).

For those community organisations and groups that decide to apply for funding, The Council will be holding two drop-in clinics in March about completing the Outline Proposal forms. This is an opportunity for you to ask questions about how to accurately fill out the Outline Proposal form and how to make your case for funding. A member of the BCC Community Resources team will be on hand to guide you on the process and how to avoid common mistakes in completing your proposal. There will not be a presentation and you can drop-in at any point during the hour.

Please register through Event Brite. Please make sure you have already spoken with your local Councillors about your project idea before coming to this session.