At the end of September the Voice and Influence Partnership held our A Shared Voice event to mark the completion of our current work delivering voice and influence for five of Bristol’s equalities communities: Black Minority Ethnic (BME) communities, Disabled People, People of Faith, LGBTQ+ communities and Older People (55+).
The event included an opportunity to learn more about how we developed our successful VIP Community Funds micro-grant model, including the screening of our short film profiling some of the funded projects.
The event also included a sector workshop, which looked at current and future voice and influence needs in the city.
The feedback and issues raised have been collated in to a snapshot report which has been submitted by The Voice and Influence Partnership to Bristol City Council.
You can download a copy of the snapshot report by following this link.
You can also catch up or watch again highlights from the event:
Voice and Influence Community Funds film – watch our short film where you can hear from some of the people who received and benefited from The Voice and Influence Partnership Community Funds.
A Shared Voice – Community Funds presentation. In this video you can hear a short presentation about the Voice and Influence Partnership Community Funds.
A Shared Voice – successes and shared learning from our work so far – panel discussion. In this video you can hear from the Partner organisations that make up The Voice and Influence Partnership about their highlights and some of the challenges from their time working together over the last three and a half years delivering voice and influence work for the City of Bristol.