We are pleased to announce that The Ammerdown Centre has joined the Voice and Influence Partnership (VIP) as our new multi-faith Delivery Partner. The Voice and Influence Partnership is led by The Care Forum.
Care Forum Portfolio Manager Peter Clasby said:
“We are excited to have Ammerdown join the Partnership. Bristol is a city of many faiths and effective multi-faith work that brings together these communities is vital to raise the voices, and increase the influence of citizens and communities of faith who have traditionally not always been included or heard as part of the decisions and conversations happening that shape our City.
“The multi-faith work Ammerdown will deliver alongside the project’s work with BME, disabled and LGBTQ+ communities and older people, will strengthen Bristol as a city of diversity and inclusion.”
Christine Clinch, Education and Spiritual Manager at Ammerdown said:
“Bringing people of all faiths and none together has been central to the Ammerdown Centre’s ethos from its inception almost fifty years ago. During the last three years, our work has focussed on ways to address faith and race related hate crime to create opportunities for people to connect with the other and recognise our common humanity.
“We are thrilled to become part of the Voice and Influence Partnership and look forward to connecting with and empowering the voice of people of faiths in Bristol.
“We will be creating a VIP Multi-Faith Panel and if you or your faith group would like to be part of this, please do get in touch!”
For enquiries or further information about the Voice and Influence Partnership (VIP) please contact Peter Clasby Portfolio Manager at The Care Forum peterclasby@thecareforum.org.uk
For further information about Ammerdown’s multi-faith role in VIP please contact Christine Clinch, The Ammerdown Centre christine.clinch@ammerdown.org or call 01761 433 709.