Measuring social care We are a group of researchers based at the University of Bristol. We have previously designed a new questionnaire to ask adults about the healthcare that they have used, and we are now designing a similar questionnaire to ask about social care. The health and social care questionnaires we produce will then be used in future research, such as clinical trials, to help assess the cost-effectiveness, or value for money, of new treatments, care or ways of working. Can you help? We would like to invite members of the public with experience of adult social care to form a small group of advisors to the research team, to support and improve this research by sharing their experiences. What will you be asked to do? We will meet as a group (online if required) to discuss your views and opinions about the research and help us make sure that any public concerns are addressed. We will also ask the group to help us write any leaflets or web-based information for the public. When will the group meet? We will start meeting online in June 2021. Dates and times of meetings will be arranged to suit the group and each meeting will last about 1 hour. We will meet about five times over the 16 months of the project. When COVID restrictions are lifted, we will try to meet face-to-face. What experience do I need? We are keen to hear from people with experience of adult social care (for example, a home carer paid for by the council, or meals on wheels) or of unpaid care (such as help from a friend or relative to go shopping or to attend medical appointments). This might be as a user of social care yourself or as a carer for someone who uses social care. We will provide you with any information or training you need. Payment We will pay you for your time to come to the meetings. If we meet face-to-face (when permitted) we will also pay travel expenses and provide refreshments. If you are interested in taking part, or have any questions, please email Jo Thorn ( or phone 0117 4283125 |