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This leadership programme is aimed at new and aspiring leaders in primary, community and social care. The programme has four modules: Module 1: Leadership and Management Essentials Masterclass. Tuesday 10th

The training hub is a multi-organisational, multi-professional, cross-sector network, comprised of education and service providers from primary, community, and social care. It’s funded by Health Education England to

Your Food – Your Health, a friendly group for those aged 50+ Join Steph on Wednesdays, 2pm – 4pm for FREE food themed activities.

A course for parents and carers who have a child awaiting assessment or who have recently (in the past year) been given a diagnosis

There is a lot of jargon in health and social care and TLAP is  committed to busting it. Our Care and Support Jargon Buster is

Download the report here

A free six week course for unpaid carers, Mondays 10.30am to 12.30pm from 24 February to 30 March at Vision North Somerset, 3 Neva

The North Somerset Branch of the National Autistic Society are hoping to set up an Out of School club for autistic children aged 8 and

Saturday 8th February at Haywood Village Community Hall, Weston-super-Mare, BS24 8ES, to raise money for social group for young people with autism in North

Lighthouse Carers Group meets on the 4th Tuesday of every month from 10.30 to 12.30 at St Nicholas Church, Nore Road, Portishead. For more

North Somerset Council are offering free mental health related training for people working or volunteering in North Somerset. W: