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  Have your say on therapy for anxiety and depression Would you like to have a say in how common mental health problems such

Come along to Bristol’s Big Green Picnic – Wednesday 29th August on College Green

Nice August newsletter – Lots of opportunities to get involved, guidelines, consultations and news

Under the Gambling Act 2005 South Gloucestershire Council is the Licensing Authority for the area with responsibilities that include granting premises licenses and permissions

Without realising, the way we talk about things can impact on others – both positively and negatively.

Suicide is a sensitive topic, so it’s important to be aware of how the language we use can affect others.

Free workshop at The Campus, in partnership with Mencap, on  “Campaigns” which is aimed at people with learning disabilities and their supporters.

Free workshops at The Campus, in partnership with Mencap, on “Know your Rights” which is aimed at people with learning disabilities and their supporters.

Neighbourhoods and Communities service update July 2018

South Gloucestershire Council is holding a consultation on updating its Equalities Plan for 2019 – 2022 The current Equality Plan, which runs from 2015 until 2019

The way we talk about suicide is important. Without realising, the way we talk about things can impact on others – both positively and

The document gives practical guidance for commissioners, providers, health and social care staff to help ensure people receive excellent continence care consideration. Read it here ……………

The Department of Health and Social Care has updated how it and other organisations monitor the progress of the autism strategy. 19 objectives of