Avon and Somerset Police and Crime Panel
The Police and Crime Panel is part of the new national arrangements for police governance. In each police force area there will be:
•an elected Police and Crime Commissioner who is currently Sue Mountstephens, and
•a Police and Crime Panel which is composed of councillors from each authority in the Avon and Somerset Police area, plus at least two co-opted independent members.
Vacancies for the Police and Crime Panel
Avon and Somerset Police and Crime Panel is looking for 2 or more committed and community-minded people to serve in a voluntary capacity as Co-opted Independent Members.
To apply and for further information please use our Police and Crime Panel application pack.
The commitment seems to be six meetings a year plus training.
Application pack from Bristol City Council on 0117 3521400 or www.bristol.gov.uk/policeandcrimepanel .
There is an aspiration for the panel to reflect the diversity of the City which is crucial to keep up the pressure to challenge hate crime, violence against women and girls and disproportionate responses like Stop and Search .