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Bristol: The British Institute of Human Rights, Free Learning Event – 29 September 2016

FREE Mental Health and Human Rights learning event

Thursday 22 September 10am-4pm

The British Institute of Human Rights invites you to a free learning event on 29th September about mental health, mental capacity and human rights. The event is open to anyone working on mental health or mental capacity. Whether you work in service design or delivery, for an advocacy or support group, as a regulator, Commissioner or for a national organisation, come along and discuss how a human rights approach could help improve services in your local area.

Through discussion and activities the event will cover:

  • an introduction to human rights and the Human Rights Act
  • key rights for mental health/mental capacity
  • using human rights in your work
  • a local action plan on improving mental health/mental capacity services

To secure your free place, book via our website here
If you are not able to attend but know someone who might be interested, please pass this information on to them.

The event is part of a project run by BIHR and our pilot services called Delivering Compassionate Care: Connecting Human Rights to the Frontline (funded through the Department of Health grants stream). The project is looking at how human rights can help ensure people using mental health/mental capacity services are treated with dignity and respect.

We are aware that some people with slow connection speeds are having difficulty using our website. If you are struggling to make your booking, you can reserve a place via email to

When: Thursday 22 September
Where: Bristol 
Who: anyone working in the fields of mental health and mental capacity