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North Somerset

Making best use of the Healthier Together Panel Lunchtime seminar Register here

Sexual Violence Psychological Therapies Service is out for consultation. Together with Bath and North East Somerset CCG and Somerset CCG, we recently received commissioning

Bristol, North Somerset and South Gloucestershire (BNSSG) CCG tender process. This is to provide notice of an event to launch the BNSSG IAPT service

[foogallery id=”8737″] Dawn til dusk celebrations mark World Mental Health Day At 6.15am on Wednesday 10 October in Clevedon, a crowd of around 50

North Somerset VCSE Mental Health Network Meeting to be held on 8th November, 2018

Anxiety Management Course – Monday 8th October Self Esteem Course – Monday 8th October Low Mood Course – Monday 8th October Dealing with Worry

North Somerset has appointed a new Admiral Nurse for Weston Area Health NHS Trust (WAHT) at Weston General Hospital. Sarah Oakwood will play a

Want to keep active in a fun way? Then Age UK Somerset’s new Extend Movement to Music class in Portishead may be for you!

In 2017, following concerns raised on an inspection of a mental health trust, we carried out a review of reports on patient safety incidents

‘One in 10 clinical commissioning groups have cut their mental health spending according to new figures from NHS England, more than double the previous

The North Somerset Online Directory NSOD brings together the following requirements on local authorities to establish and maintain information, advice and services for parents, carers, young people

Understanding the circumstances associated with feeling lonely and explaining what we know works in supporting people to tackle feelings of persistent loneliness. Read full