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On the 6 May Bristol will elect its next Mayor. The Voice and Influence Partnership has invited the four main party candidates for Bristol Mayor to answer the questions that are most important to you and your community.

Is your community group looking for funding to support a project or service across South Gloucestershire? The Area Wide Grant scheme is open for

St Werburghs City Farm will be starting a new 12 week outdoor wellbeing and practical skills course from 10th May until the 2nd August

Community Learning West offers a range wide of FREE courses to people living in Bristol and/or surrounding areas, aged 19 or over who have

Since the COVD19 pandemic, Marvin Rees, the Mayor of Bristol has hosted a monthly meeting with community workers to share local intelligence about what

Drake Music, who have worked in Bristol for a number of years running music projects for disabled children and young people and adults.Drake Music

Bristol Reclaiming Independent Living (BRIL) with The British Institute of Human Rights has an online event called Know Your Human Rights! which is taking place on

I am reaching out on behalf of BeOnBoard to share an exciting new Trustee vacancy with you with Age UK South Gloucestershire. Although part

Join the Bristol Disability Equality Forum for their March Open Forum on the theme of: ‘Disabled people taking action on Covid and the climate

Health and care leaders in Bristol, North Somerset and South Gloucestershire (BNSSG) are today (Monday 15 March) setting out plans to proceed to public

Census 2021 is in full swing locally – letters with your unique access codes, have all been sentout and responses are already coming in.

In these challenging times, it is more important than ever to ensure we are taking care of our wellbeing. Supportive Parents have launched an amazing