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I would like to invite you to participate in a survey monkey as part of the Cluster-based multi-disciplinary team working project. This project is

Is your street age friendly? How would you make your area better for older people? Do you have an idea to improve your neighbourhood

It has been 10 years since smoking was banned inside public buildings, leading to the creation of other initiatives such as campaigns to stop

Two-thirds of men with a family history of prostate cancer are dangerously unaware of their increased risk of the disease and half of all

Somerset Community Foundation (SCF) is looking for volunteers to join the EDF Energy Community Fund Awards Panel to help communities affected by the Hinkley

We want to know what is most important to you about our Supported Bus Services, so we can make sure that funding is spent

Housing related support helps you stay in your home, or move to a new one. The Supporting People (SP) programme offers a range of

Marvin Rees Mayor of Bristol Proposals for how Bristol City Council could deliver local services with a reduced budget. Libraries, public toilets, school crossing

Making Pals is working to change the way care homes are seen by the public. We believe that care homes are a wealth of

Wednesday 14th June 2017 – Drop in between 9am & 4pm The Conference Hall, CITY HALL, Bristol Bristol City Council Early Help Team is

Monday 10th July St. Werburghs Community Centre, Horley Road, Bristol, BS2 9TJ 12:30 – 16:00 We are really pleased to invite you to be