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The Watershed Bristol wrote:   The Watershed Bristol (an independent cinema / cafe/bar in the centre, on the Harbourside).   We are screening a documentary called

The Well Aware freephone telephone information service will be open on weekdays from 9am to 4.30pm throughout Christmas and the New Year, apart from

The Cold Weather Plan for England aims to prepare for, alert people to, and prevent, the major avoidable effects on health during periods of

Bristol’s Big Drink Debate – a city-wide survey examining the public’s attitudes to alcohol, runs until 30 January 2017. Throughout the winter months the

BANES Carers’ Centre November Bulletin

It has been announced that University Hospitals Bristol NHS Foundation Trust has been appointed to manage sexual health services across Bristol and the surrounding

Delivering adult social care in challenging times — NHS Networks The results of a survey of county directors of adult social care reveals that

An analysis of the records of UK patients who had experienced a stroke has found that over half of those who should get drugs

New findings from Bowel Cancer UK show a worrying picture of delayed diagnosis, poor monitoring and unacceptable waiting times for people with Lynch syndrome,

Faster improvements needed in how people are cared for when detained under the Mental Health Act, warns CQC   cqc-newsletter-nov

A reminder that the engagement activity around  the planned relocation of the RNRHD’s Rheumatology and Rheumatology Therapies Services will continue until 17th January 2017,