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Most expectant and new mothers are experiencing better maternity care, finds national survey Findings from the Care Quality Commission’s (CQC) national survey of more

Alcohol Demotivator tool – a unique calculator that helps people to *not* drink when they feel tempted. It explains what the true cost of

Monday 21 September and Wednesday 21 October 2015, 2–4pm at WE Care and Repair, Waterloo Home Independence Centre, 5 Hide Market, Bristol BS2 0PL.

Friday 11 September 2015 from 2–4.30pm at The University of Law, Temple Circus, Temple Way, Bristol BS1 6HG. The network meeting will include guest

ND CAMHS Parenting Advice & Consultation Service The ND CAMHS team, in partnership with Deaf Parenting UK, has set up a new service for

We are pleased to share with you our brand new leaflet aimed at patients, service users and their carers: Good care from nurses and

Mencap are expanding their services to include an information line and drop-in service for people with learning disabilities, their families and carers in Bristol and

A further 52 CCGs have been authorised to take on delegated responsibility for the commissioning of GP services and will be able to operate

The Care Quality Commission has published reports on the quality of care provided by 25 dental practices in England. The practices were inspected under

The Care Quality Commission (CQC) is now carrying out the final stage of consultation on its strategy for 2016-2021. The strategy will set out

There is a new service user led helpline for women with alcohol issues, this is in addition to the small women’s support groups in

You may be interested to see a video made for us by LGBT people who are mental healthcare service-users in the South West. We