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A year of the Healthier Together Citizens’ Panel: learning about what matters to people Come along to hear some reflections from the first year

Are you working with families where parental conflict is a concern? FREE Professional Development Opportunity.

Local authorities and the armed forces community are encouraged to work together to establish a community covenant in their area in order to: encourage

Complete the survey at: by 19 January 2020 (date for comments has been extended). For a paper copy or alternative formats email:

Headache and migraine sufferers will benefit from better diagnosis and care as part of the NHS Long Term Plan to improve local health services,

NHS England and NHS Improvement has published a draft service specifications for PCNs. In the document it is acknowledged there is a risk PCNs

Free Support to learn how to be digitally safe as a provider. Below are the links from the poster. To read more about the

“I feel like a parcel getting moved around all the time, getting opened up and sent back and moved on to somewhere else.” – Teenage

The Bristol Ward Profiles have been updated (Dec 2019) with new Population data, Deprivation 2019 and some updated Education datasets – alongside other data