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Your opinions help Bristol City Council make decisions! Come along and discuss your local housing services with the council. If you’re a council tenant,

According to NHS Digital the proportion of women aged 50-70 taking up routine breast screening invitations fell to 70.5% in 2017-18, down from 71.1%

Bristol, North Somerset and South Gloucestershire Clinical Commissioning Group (BNSSG CCG) are currently undertaking a consultation with current and past service users of mental health

The Hope Project aim to provide short-term emotional and practical support for men, specifically those aged between 30 and 64, who are in psychological distress

North Bristol NHS Trust (NBT) is committed to providing outpatient services that are responsive to the needs of patients, ensuring communication is effective and

This will take place on 27 March. You can book on here. Workshop topics will include: Trans Health – What Next? Diversity Trust and

Do you have experience of existing mental health rehabilitation services? BIMHN, as one of IMHN’s local branches, is encouraging people to complete the survey,

Healthier Together are seeking to involve citizens working and living in Bristol, North Somerset and South Gloucestershire in innovative ways to improve the way

Bristol Ageing Better is offering training to anyone who works or volunteers with older people in Bristol. The learning objectives are: To be equipped

Oasis-Talk has teamed up with Carers Support Centre to offer a free talking therapy service, at a new venue The Greenway Centre, Southmead Bristol,

Bristol, North Somerset and South Gloucestershire Clinical Commissioning Group (BNSSG CCG) want to know what you think about their proposals before they make decisions

NHS Digital figures show that although 1.4 million people of all ages were referred for help to NHS Improving Access to Psychological Therapies (IAPT) in 2017/18,