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Please come and join BANES Dementia Action Alliance at our second annual dementia conference.  We have 50 stalls with providers of all things dementia in

As part of North Somerset People First (NSPF) “A Better Life” service we have launched two new “Brunch Clubs” in Nailsea and Portishead, to support

Kidz to Adultz Wales & West One of the largest, FREE UK exhibitions dedicated to children and young adults up to 25 years with

South Gloucestershire Council is currently consulting on the revised draft Street Trading Policy and corresponding Application Guidelines, prior to approval by the Regulatory Committee.

2019 Area Committee CIL and S106 funds decision-making process The timetable and deadlines for the 2019/20 Area Committee decision-making process for decision-making on CIL

A procedure assessed by NICE has been hailed as an “exciting development” in increasing the number of livers which can be safely used for transplantation. A

Children and young people with disabilities and severe complex needs: integrated health and social care support and service guidance NICE Draft scope consultation You

High intensity users: reducing the burden on accident & emergency departments Following an analysis of high intensity user (HIU) attendances to the accident and

NICE consulting on updated guidance for Obsessive-compulsive disorder and body dysmorphic disorder: treatment. The clinical guideline on Obsessive-compulsive disorder and body dysmorphic disorder: treatment

Oasis for men annual dinner email: Call Pat: 0795 834 3238

How we help We all feel low, worried or anxious at times, but sometimes this becomes worse and these problems stop us from living

Help to make and shape some great ideas We have lots of innovations in the pipeline, all designed to make life easier for our