South Gloucestershire Council (SGC) is undertaking a review of Public Health & Well-Being Services and would like to hear your views. Please take time to view the consultation webpage which holds key documents as well as an accompanying survey.
Local authorities are responsible for improving the health of their local population and reducing health inequalities but the Public Health Grant set by central government for South Gloucestershire faces an overall 17% reduction over the next four years. In addition SGC is delivering a programme of savings as part of its Council Savings Programme (CSP).
The cumulative impact of the reduction in the Public Health grant and support for the CSP is that by 2020/21 total funding for public health will have reduced by about one third since 2013 (when public health teams moved from the NHS to local authorities).
In order to achieve this level of savings, it is felt that the most appropriate way forward is to undertake a comprehensive review across SGC’s Public Health and Wellbeing Division. This is to ensure that priorities, structure and the services they deliver, both directly and through commissioning arrangements, continue to be fit for purpose and meet the needs of the South Glos population.
Find Out More and Have Your Say
SGC welcome your comments on the Public Health & Well-Being Review 2016 Consultation Paper and the accompanying EQIA between July 25th and September 18th 2016