For help with urgent, but not life-threatening medical problems, contact NHS 111 first rather than going straight to A&E.
When you contact 111, the service will help you right away and if needed a healthcare professional will call you.
Depending on your needs, 111 can direct you to local urgent treatment centres/minor injury units, GPs, pharmacies or other local services.
For serious life-threatening emergencies, you should continue to dial 999. For problems that aren’t urgent, contact your GP or pharmacist as usual.
NHS 111 is available online at or via free call 111
Text relay
Call 18001 111 using text relay, 24 hours a day.
In an emergency Text relay users can call 18000 to get through to 999.
British sign language (BSL)
Help in other languages
Call 111 and ask for an interpreter.
For service information in alternative formats, visit