A new walk-in COVID-19 vaccination clinic has opened at the For All Healthy Living Centre, 68 Lonsdale Avenue, Weston-super-Mare, North Somerset BS23 3SJ. This site will offer vaccines on a Tuesday from 12.30 – 6pm, from the 30th November 2021 until the 21st December 2021.
The clinic will offer Pfizer walk-ins for both 1st and 2nd doses, as well as offering Booster doses in line with eligibility criteria.
The School Immunisations Team will be attending on the 7th December 2021 to offer vaccination to eligible 12-15 year olds.
In addition, there are now bookable appointments available at Weston Hospital: https://my.drdoctor.co.uk/clinic/UHBWWestonCommunityClinic
For more information please visit: www.grabajab.net