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Please find attached an updated version of the Term 4 Parenting Menu, to which there have been several changes; Unfortunately delivery of the advertised

NHS England are working with a number of partners on an exciting awards scheme for MPs to find and nominate ‘health heroes’ in their constituency.

The Bristol Safeguarding Adults Board is responsible for ensuring that organisations in the city are working effectively in order that adults are safe from

Welcome to the February edition of our Public Involvement update from the Public Involvement Programme (PIP) at NICE. For more information about how we

The feedback received from last year’s new Local Plan Prospectus consultation has helped us to shape and prepare the next stage of the Local

Tea and Talk Trading Standards Thursday 8th 2-4pm @ The Langley centre We will have a representative from Trading standards to give a presentation

We need autistic adults and adults without autism (aged 18-65) for our study at the Centre for Applied Autism Research, University of Bath. We’re

The results of the 2017 maternity survey published today show that women are reporting a more positive experience of maternity care and treatment. The

NHS hospitals will no longer provide office or advertising space for law firms or claims management companies who encourage patients or their families to

We spend a third of our lives asleep. Most people know that a good night’s sleep is the best way to recover after a

The Act FAST campaign has re-launched urging people to call 999 if they notice even one of the signs of a stroke in themselves,

Bristol’s re-commissioned Recovery Orientated Alcohol & Drugs Service (ROADS) went live 1 February 2018. The services are commissioned by Bristol City Council and provide