Sporting opportunities for disabled people in North Somerset Welcome to the latest edition of the Sportarray Roundup, aimed at anyone involved or interested in
Are you a good listener?
Do you enjoy working with people?
Cruse need volunteers in Weston Super Mare
Have you seen the safe city shuffle?
To apply please complete the Peer Support Application form 2017
To apply please complete the Discovering Good Mental Health Application Form
Mental Health Issues? Welcome to CLARITY – A Service User Led Group WHO? Any North Somerset people who have used mental health services including
Christchurch, Chapel Hill, Clevedon 2-4pm £2 to include refreshments. All welcome. Music and Fun Poster
Sportarray wrote: As we near the end of the year I wanted to let you know about a few inclusive sport and physical activity
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Find out about Bristol City Council draft Corporate Strategy 2017-22 and how to have your say.
Don’t leave it too late to have your say!
Lots of satisfaction surveys from customer services, early years special educational needs and disability inclusion to education.