How to join a Bristol Future Parks community conversation and learn about getting involved in making your local green space better. The way Bristol parks
For more information and to register please contact the employment team: Email: Telephone: 0117 947 9911 Book a place directly by filling in this form:
The next ageing better partnership meeting is scheduled for Monday 20th April 2 – 4 pm. If you have any comments or issues you
Saturday 4 April, 11.30am to 4.30pm, Locking Castle Church. Parents and professionals £20; free for those with autism. To book E: differentperspectives98@gmail T: 01934
Margaret Slucutt will remain as Chair and Maisy Griffiths from Healthwatch South Gloucestershire is taking on the role as Vice Chair. contact details: Maisy
North Bristol Trusts are developing a new way to improve the outcome of a secondary injury to the brain, which happens in the hours,
People who experience homelessness in England are 60 times more likely to visit A&E in a year compared with the general population. This is
The Public Participation team in NHS England and NHS Improvement has been working with colleagues across the system to develop a public Engagement Practitioners
A solution focused event to explore the role of the Voluntary Community and Social Enterprise (VCSE) sector in South Gloucestershire towards preventing climate change
The information in this resource is for any group or organisation in the voluntary, community and social enterprise (VCSE) sector, including umbrella bodies and
Services need to improve how they provide care and treatment for people detained under the Mental Health Act (MHA) in a way that respects