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Bristol based Parenting Courses – Free For parenting courses running in Bristol co-ordinated by the Families In Focus parenting team during Term 3 (courses

Charles Bonnet Syndrome Support Group in Bath  

Winterbourne Library festive singalong Friday 14th December 2 – 3pm Refreshments included.  

FREE Photography Walks for the over 55s Interested to know more, dates, times and where?  Click here!

Vision West of England’s News and Events Update December 2018 until January 2019 Christmas time, events all the time, VI’s singing karaoke being merry

The Grand Pier in Weston opened their Santa’s Grotto on Saturday, and are doing an Autism Friendly Hour each Sunday from 10 – 11,

SEND Information Advice and Support Service Consultation Bristol City Council has a duty under the Children and Families Act to provide advice and support

Bristol Health Partners Health Integration Teams (HITs) address pressing health challenges to improve health outcomes across BNSSG. HITs bring together health and care professionals,

CQC to review the use of restraint, prolonged seclusion and segregation for people with mental health problems, a learning disability and/or autism. The review

The government’s review of services and support for autistic people is covering autistic children as well as adults for the first time. The review

The government will introduce a new Mental Health Bill to transform mental health care, following publication of the final report from the Independent Review of

After 7 years of experience working in the St. James Barton Roundabout, we have envisioned a better Bearpit; A place where community, food, innovation