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South Gloucestershire Council has a strong track-record of working with and supporting the local voluntary and community sector. The current Better Care Stronger Communities

Policing and mental health: picking up the pieces This report finds that police officers are increasingly being used as the default service for responding

Children’s mental health briefing This briefing finds that child and adolescent mental health services are improving in most areas in the country, yet with

Vision West of England – Information, Advice & Support Drop In’s (Bath) call Marc on 011 322 4885

Over the last three years, the Healthwatch network has looked extensively at people’s experiences, as they move between hospitals and care in the community. We have

People with a learning disability are at a high risk of eye problems compared with the rest of the population. This paper covers four

National survey highlights decline in people’s experiences of community mental health services People’s experiences of the care they receive from community-based mental health services

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Local Housing Forum – December 2018 Meeting Dates Council Tenants come along and discuss your local housing services with the council. Housing Officers will

Lunchtime Seminar: Learning from an evaluation: the specialist weight management service Since 2015, the North Bristol NHS Trust has piloted a specialist weight management

Are you male and feeling isolated?  Christmas Party 30th November at 7pm

IAPT recommissioning: Talking Therapies Services in Bristol, North Somerset and South Gloucestershire AWP (Avon & Wiltshire Partnership Mental Health Trust) and Second Step have