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Hundreds of patients with a type of advanced skin cancer are set to benefit from a new treatment, dabrafenib plus trametinib. More…..

A CQC report calls for new national guidance to improve the sexual safety of people on mental health wards, following analysis of how mental

It aims to ensure that services and systems work for carers and to build research and evidence to improve outcomes for carers. More….

This guidance has been developed to ensure that there is a consistent approach for CCGs, area teams and CQC to work together before, during and

The committee is seeking to assess the effectiveness of different funding models, the shortfalls in delivery and to make recommendations on how future social

Cllr. Ben Stokes is the chair for the LDPB, co-chairing with Leigh Campbell. Kirsty Eastham was the administrator for the group at this meeting.

Healthier Together Weekly Round-up – week ending 21 Sep 2018 Updates from System Leadership Aspirant ICS Programme At the 24 September Sponsoring Board, the

Bristol Women’s Voice and Sing With Soul team up to celebrate the contribution of Black women to suffrage, hosted by Bristol’s arts house, Arnolfini

This is intended to brief voluntary, community and social enterprise (VCSE) sector organisations on the current national debates and local initiatives concerning preventative and

Ever wanted to get to know some of the amazing older people that live in your area? Or share your passion for gardening and nature with someone who spends most their time indoors? Well now’s your chance!

FREE Bristol workshops on older men combatting loneliness and social isolation – November 2018 The ‘Older Men at the Margins Project’ is a 2-year