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Care planning is crucial in delivering improved care for people living with dementia, and supporting their families and carers. The importance of having a high quality care plan that is reviewed regularly is reiterated through its inclusion in the CCG IAF as one of the dementia indicators. It also forms a key part of the forthcoming evidence-based treatment pathway for dementia.Simply having a care plan, whilst being a good start, is not enough. Any care plan needs to be personalised to the specific needs of each person with dementia and reflect changes in their care needs over time. To support the adoption of high-quality care plans NHS England has developed a guide Dementia: Good Care Planning, with input from people living with dementia, their carers and health and social care professionals.The guide highlights key characteristics of a person-centred dementia care plan and is aimed primarily at commissioners and primary care colleagues who provide care plan reviews. However, it will also be of interest to anyone tasked with writing a care plan and to those in need of a care plan
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