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Shape the future of the Bearpit

After 7 years of experience working in the St. James Barton Roundabout, we have envisioned a better Bearpit; A place where community, food, innovation and wellbeing work together to create something truly special.

We want to build Bristol’s first green gateway – a new destination that brings the city together. Through circular economy, we are creating a sustainable food hub showcasing urban farms that provide education and employment opportunities with retail and independent local food businesses, an incubation centre which will be a partnership with the universities showcasing and developing technologies to improve efficiency and production of food and energy – to strive for us to become a better sustainable city,  a community hub where the greatest minds in Bristol and beyond work together being energised by other people in the same industry, a wellbeing centre that is truly inclusive and a community garden like no other.

The Circle has the power to change the history of the Bearpit and the future of Bristol and beyond. We are striving for sustainability – environmentally, economically but most importantly socially.

Help us shape the future of the Bearpit

Miriam Delogu and Simon Green from the proposed Circle project for the Bearpit, in collaboration with Stephen Pratt of Golden Key, would like to invite you to participate in a short session to contribute to the design, and extend an offer for use, of the Wellbeing Centre in the Community Hub section of the development. There will be a brief presentation and then space for discussion around how the space can best be designed and used.

The vision for the Wellbeing Centre is that it will be a truly inclusive and Psychologically Informed Environment, based on the frameworks used in homelessness and mental health services. This means that it will be a welcoming space that promotes and supports the wellbeing of everyone who uses it from the general public, people working in the Circle and people with experiences of multiple disadvantages.

It will also be an opportunity to find out more about the plans for the whole space and specifically the units that will be available for local services. If you have any personal or professional interest in the space and would like to help, then please come along.

The event will take place on Friday 14th December, 10am, at The Horsefair Room, John Wesley’s Chapel, 36 The Horsefair, Bristol, BS1 3JE

If you are not able to attend but would still like to contribute, then please contact us via email at