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The Care Forum is currently working on a project with NHS England (NHSE) and NHS Improvement (NHSI) over the next six weeks to find

Auti.MS is a new charity in Bristol that aims to raise awareness of Female Autistic Spectrum Conditions (ASC) and support women with ASC. Meet

Auti.MS is a new charity in Bristol that supports women with autism. They run meet-up events, and have plans to start running dedicated support

Autism, Social Communication and Anxiety

Skills for Care, Skills for Health, the National Autistic Society and Opening Minds Consultancy are working together to develop a ‘core capabilities framework’ about

The Grand Pier in Weston opened their Santa’s Grotto on Saturday, and are doing an Autism Friendly Hour each Sunday from 10 – 11,

CQC to review the use of restraint, prolonged seclusion and segregation for people with mental health problems, a learning disability and/or autism. The review

The government’s review of services and support for autistic people is covering autistic children as well as adults for the first time. The review

Social Communication and Autism Fayre  

A People First poster celebrating their new emotional wellbeing service for people with learning disabilities, Autism and Aspergers  

The Department of Health and Social Care has updated how it and other organisations monitor the progress of the autism strategy. 19 objectives of