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2019 Area Committee CIL and S106 funds decision-making process The timetable and deadlines for the 2019/20 Area Committee decision-making process for decision-making on CIL

Local Housing Forum – December 2018 Meeting Dates Council Tenants come along and discuss your local housing services with the council. Housing Officers will

One of the requirements of the Gambling Act 2005 is for the Council to produce a Statement of Gambling Policy setting out how gambling

The Reader, a national charity which builds stronger, healthier communities through Shared Reading has today announced a new partnership with Bristol Ageing Better to combat loneliness and social

As Bristol prepares for the roll out of Universal Credit in 2018, Community Access Support Service (CASS) and Bristol Independent Mental Health Network (BIMHN),

In 2011 Bristol City Council agreed a policy setting out how it would administer and regulate the licensing of sex establishments. In 2016 the

The new Local Plan will set out how Bristol will develop over the next twenty years. It will help deliver the new homes and

National planning policy requires local authorities to carry out an assessment of the needs for sports and recreational facilities.  Information gained from the assessments

Tough Times, High Hopes This consultation runs for six weeks and covers our 2018/19 budget, future savings proposals and draft Corporate Strategy 2018 –

The Citizens’ Panel is an online survey run three or four times a year that collects information regarding local, topical and high-profile issues that