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Spring time is upon us and as the year shifts through the gears, so do we. This month our sight loss advice sessions have

You are invited to attend our next Bristol Older People’s OPEN FORUM MEETING, on Thursday 4 April 2019, 10:30 – 12.30 at Broadmead Baptist

A survey exploring attitudes to dementia in and around Bristol . A little background: In 2013 the Bristol Dementia Health Integration Team carried out

Bristol, North Somerset and South Gloucestershire Clinical Commissioning Group (BNSSG CCG) is reviewing what is provided to people who may need mental health support

Your opinions help Bristol City Council make decisions! Come along and discuss your local housing services with the council. If you’re a council tenant,

Bristol, North Somerset and South Gloucestershire Clinical Commissioning Group (BNSSG CCG) are currently undertaking a consultation with current and past service users of mental health

January’s eBulletin from Bristol, North Somerset and South Gloucestershire Clinical Commissioning Group (BNSSG CCG) is full of news, information and events. Read it here

Transforming cities: The potential of everyday cycling An opportunity to transform the way we move in our cities. A report models the potential benefits

Take part in research that could prevent Alzheimer’s: The Generation ProgrammeAlzheimer’s: Programme Come along to one of our events at the Bristol Brain Centre,

2019 Area Committee CIL and S106 funds decision-making process The timetable and deadlines for the 2019/20 Area Committee decision-making process for decision-making on CIL

The Bristol Disability Equality Forum has launched a new project: ‘Making Change Happen’. This is a two year peer support project, led by Disabled

  The Future of Community Health Services events, with Sirona care & health Adult Community Health services across Bristol, North Somerset and South Gloucestershire