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Services need to improve how they provide care and treatment for people detained under the Mental Health Act (MHA) in a way that respects

CQC finds Mental Health Act Code of Practice not being used as intended — NHS Networks The Mental Health Act (MHA) Code of Practice

Findings from the Care Quality Commission’s latest annual survey of people who stayed as an inpatient in hospital show that most people had confidence

The Care Quality Commission has published the findings of an in-depth review on the state of oral health care in care homes across England.

The Care Quality Commission (CQC), as part of their year-long “Declare Your Care” campaign, has revealed those from a black and minority ethnic (BME)

Friends Families and Travellers released the findings of a mystery shopping exercise in which they contacted 50 GP practices posing as a patient wishing

CQC have published figures in their annual Mental Health Act report saying 1 in 5 not involved in decisions about the care they receive.

New research for CQC shows people regret not raising concerns about their care, but those who do raise concerns see improvements. The Care Quality

The guidance builds on our quality framework, adding further detail on issues like relationships, diversity and protecting people from harm. It covers a diverse range

CQC to review the use of restraint, prolonged seclusion and segregation for people with mental health problems, a learning disability and/or autism. The review

Over the last three years, the Healthwatch network has looked extensively at people’s experiences, as they move between hospitals and care in the community. We have

National survey highlights decline in people’s experiences of community mental health services People’s experiences of the care they receive from community-based mental health services