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Residents in Bristol, North Somerset and South Gloucestershire are being asked to give their views on evening and weekend GP appointments to help develop

Pressure on GPs and A&E departments relieved after over 100,000 patients had appointments with expert pharmacistsin the last 10 weeks! The community pharmacist consultation

GP contract directions 2019 to 2020 — NHS Networks The Primary Medical Services (directed enhanced services) directions 2019 sets out the legal framework under

Friends Families and Travellers released the findings of a mystery shopping exercise in which they contacted 50 GP practices posing as a patient wishing

A ‘daffodil mark’ is a sign of commitment to improving end of life care, as part of a new partnership between the Royal College

The results for each trust and clinical commissioning group are on the website (along with national data) can be found here…………

Retaining the current medical workforce Research shows that a complex combination of factors are leading to poor job satisfaction within general practice including workload,

The National Childbirth Trust (NCT) report The Hidden Half: bringing postnatal mental illness out of hiding found that up to half of women experiencing

Public Health England and the Royal College of GPs are encouraging adults to focus on walking briskly rather than just counting steps to improve

Some £7 million will be made available through regional-based schemes to help GPs to stay in the workforce, by promoting new ways of working

The guideline has advice for GPs and specialists on symptoms to look out for, tests to help confirm a diagnosis and what treatments to use. It

Wealden District Council and Herstmonceux GP John Simmons worked together to secure a health and wellbeing coach based at the GP surgery, reducing repeat