The Care Forum Launches Social Care Staff Wellbeing, Employment & Covid-19 Survey for Bristol, North Somerset & South Gloucestershire.
The Care Forum has launched a survey to better understand the impact on social care sector staff wellbeing of working during the coronavirus (COVID-19) epidemic.
The Care Forum’s Dialogue team has led the delivery of this research in partnership with the Bristol Health Partners, Black South West Network, Bristol, North Somerset & South Gloucestershire local authorities, Care & Support West and Co-produce Care.
The purpose of the research is:
- To better understand the impact on social care sector staff wellbeing of working during the coronavirus (COVID-19) epidemic.
- To better understand any gaps or needs for support among social care staff across the region.
- To better inform strategic decision-making and support for the social care sector by social care providers, local authorities and commissioners now and into the future.
By developing our understanding through this research, VCSE health and social care organisations such as The Care Forum, alongside social care providers, local authorities and commissioners, can improve strategic decision-making and support for the social care sector through this challenging time. By gathering strong data to understand the impact of the epidemic on the broader social care system, we can better inform future support for the social care sector and the communities it supports.
The Care Forum and its partners asks our friends and colleagues across the social care sector in Bristol, North Somerset and South Gloucestershire to take 5 – 10 minutes to complete this survey and share it widely.
You can find the survey here.
Our social media post to share is here.
Further Questions & Research
If you or your organisation has any questions about this research or you’d like to develop something similar in partnership with The Care Forum, please contact our research team: