The Board of Trustees are ultimately responsible for the financial and operational management of TCF, although the day to day decisions and management are devolved to the Chief Executive and staff team. In reality the Trustees set the overall strategic direction for the Charity, ensuring that its work remains true to the charitable objectives, values and aims of the organisation. Staff and managers then use this strategic blueprint to shape the actions and plans they make within individual projects or service developments.
The Board of Trustees also remain responsible for overall policy development, and have created a sub group for each major policy area to ensure best practice, good governance and to monitor implementation. Currently there are three sub groups:
- Finance
- Health and Safety
- Human Resources
The Board is also looking to develop sub groups to look at Operational standards and Volunteering, which is an important aspect of the Charity’s work.
The Board of Trustees focus on an annual work plan, and take reports from a number of staff and managers. There are six meetings per annum, to coincide with major deadlines or milestones. In the recent Board Satisfaction Survey one member said the following: “I am very happy and proud to be a board member of TCF, it does great work, and I feel well informed and involved. There is a strong culture of open and honest debate and respect between the Board.”
As a departing member of the Board said, “A group of committed trustees with a variety of experience and skills is essential to the effective governance of a charity – my experience has demonstrated that trustees come and go over time for a variety of reasons, and that it is always difficult to recruit.”
If you are interested in joining the Board of Trustees at TCF, please contact the Business Support Team, for more information. We are currently looking to recruit new trustees with lived experience or expertise in equalities work.
My career has primarily been in the social housing sector. I’ve worked in policy, communications and regulation roles. I also spent some time working in higher education where my focus was on equality of opportunity.
I‘ve also been a member of a multi-academy trust board, chair of a small homelessness charity and member of a housing association board.
I’m glad to have the opportunity to support TCF as a trustee.
Vice Chair
I have spent my career to date working in communications and public and patient engagement for a range of NHS trusts, from providers, commissioners and strategic bodies. I am keen to use my knowledge, passion and experience to support The Care Forum (TCF) to improve the way they support service users by developing effective and competitive service offerings, based on intelligence gained through the operation of current services.
Through my work with TCF, I encourage constructive dialogue and accountable decision making, that directly addresses the challenges faced by the organisation, whilst doing our very best as an employer to represent the views of staff in all that we do.
I worked in IT for a large financial organisation in Swindon for 34 years before taking retirement. During that time, I was an active rep for the union and served on the National Executive Committee for over 15 years, including 2 years as President of the Union and a number of years as Treasurer.
During my career I was a membership assessor of the BCS for a number of years and I was chair of the PTA for my boys’ primary school.
I am a solution focused Chartered Manager and senior leader, mentor, consultant and coach in complex social healthcare, and I am passionate about people living their best lives in the community. I have personal lived experience of children with additional needs, which fuels my passion for excellence in outcomes, rehabilitation, enabling and recovery.
With over thirty years’ experience in the workplace, in statutory and voluntary sectors, as well as the private sector, this has given me the opportunity to see what good leadership looks like. I have a Level 7 Post Graduate Extended Diploma in Strategic Leadership and Management from CMI, graduating in November 2022. Learning is lifelong and I constantly strive to keep in touch with latest leadership theories as well as sector specific knowledge and legislation.
A natural networker, I am able to forge together partnerships and collaborative activities that brings together the benefits of joint ideas and innovation. This has happened in many organisations including the Regional Development Agency, various charities as well as Healthwatch and in my current role. My belief is that if we work together, we get there faster.
I have experience of both being a Registered Manager and the Nominated Individual for organisational CQC regulated activities. I have an extensive experience of good governance and processes and continuous improvement. I have a passion for reducing discrimination and eradication of such in society but where we can all make a difference. Being truly anti racist and LGBTQ+ ally. I have worked with many communities of people who have protected characteristics.