The Bristol Faith Manifesto is the result of work by representatives of different faiths in the city including Christian, Muslim, Sikh, Hindu and Jewish.
It highlights the significant role that faith has in the life of our city and sets out five aspirations that are common to all faiths and that the group commits to working with the next Mayor to achieve. These are:
- Celebrating Diversity – Building tolerance and understanding into the fabric of society, which is key to tackling crucial issues such as hate crime.
- Building Community – Encouraging common bonds across generational, ethnic and social divides, along with increased provision of affordable housing.
- Strengthening Families – Building resilient homes for families and households, through support for young people, relationships and parenting.
- Challenging Poverty – Identifying and understanding poverty wherever it is found and developing a strategic plan to overcome gaps in provision.
- Tackling Climate Change – Building on Bristol’s twin reputation as a city of innovation and a leader in responding to the Climate Emergency, to welcome and incentivise a greener future through a bold approach to planning, housing, transport and public procurement.
You can download a PDF copy of the manifesto using the link below.
For further information, please contact bristolfaithmanifesto@gmail.com