What do we hope to achieve? (Vision)
To support people and communities to achieve equality and inclusion in health and care, and support community engagement.
What will be the outcome? (Mission)
People receive the quality of health and care they need, communities are better engaged, people know that their voice is heard.
How will we do this? (Goals)
TCF will do this by:
- Promoting health and wellbeing for all, challenging inequalities in health and social care policy and services.
- Working closely with health and care commissioners and providers, to ensure more joined up local healthcare services and support the improvement of the health and wellbeing of communities
- Serving the public to receive positive health and care services and feel part of a community, in particular those who cannot fully advocate for themselves without support.
- Linking together people in their communities and promoting opportunities for fulfilled living
- Using evidence to inform our work, listening to people, seeking to do things with them rather than for or to them.
- Engaging in research and promoting new ways of planning, organising and delivering services by those who run them.
- Ensuring that TCF remains a viable and relevant organisation for change ensuring organisational excellence.
- Collaborating with other VCSE organisations to bring synergy to the health and care sector.
What underpins our beliefs (Our Top Three Values)
- Empowering: we remove barriers and give people a voice
- Influencing: we shape and create change that matters
- Collaborating: we bring people, communities and organisations together for a purpose